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Andrew J

À rejoins en date due:

Dec. 10, 2016





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When trying to program remote RF442W the lights will not go out.

Press the program button > Insert remote transmitter > Blue and Red lights come on > Release the program button but the llights do not go off. Any idea what may be causing this? Installation on a 2017 Ford Escape. Thanks!


2012 Taurus remote starts then shuts off after 5 seconds

I used the T Harness for this installation in a 2012 Ford Taurus. I have tried both the two key method and the one key method (Currently configured for 1 key method). When doing the remote start (3x lock) the vehicle starts then after about 5 seconds shuts itself off. The vehicle then tries to restart and does the same thing. After the second attempt the red light on the unit flashes three times. For the T Harness i have connected the light blue, light blue/black, and the yellow wire. I have also connected the CAN wires to the OBD port pins 3 and 11. I've tried a few suggestions for similar answers and still cannot get it to work. Evo all in standalone is used. Any suggestions?


EVO-FORT1 Starts, then stops 2011 Ford Taurus SEL

EVO-FORT1 just installed on a 2011 Ford Taurus SEL. Car remote starts and runs for several seconds, then shuts off. Starts a second time, same thing, shuts off after severall seconds. I notice that about the time it shuts off is when the dash instruments start to power on. It seems like they power on late. I am wondering if it is trying to read the tach and because the dash powers on late (or at least seems late) . . . it thinks the car isn't running. Just a guess. Anyone experienced this before? Any ideas?

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